Red Peppers & Courgette bake: a perfect vitamin boost for winter

This dish is so rich in vitamin C and antioxidants thanks to those two veggies- 1 red pepper covers over 150% of your daily need for vit.C and courgettes have at least 11 important compounds including vit A which supports your immune system. I made this bake out of leftovers in the fridge and was so surprised by how delicious it was, even my toddler ate a double portion! It's the perfect balance of so tasty, so nutritious and so simple... Plus you can amend it depending on what you have in your fridge which is great. I used boiled potatoes from previous day and hard goats cheese (any hard cheese will do). Simply chop 2 cloves of garlic and take 1 spig of fresh herb- I used thyme- and fry on little olive oil; add 1 red bell pepper and 1 courgette chopped and fry another few minutes; add 1 chopped tomato or small cup of tomato puree; add some chopped olives (optional); add salt pepper a little chilli pepper; Braise for another few minutes and get off heat. Remove the herb spig.Mix in a large handful of grated hard cheese. Place cut slices of boiled potato on the bottom of the baking tin, cover with a few dashes of tomato puree (optional but keeps it moist); cover potatoes with the cooked vegetables, optional: add a little grated cheese again on top. Bake in over 180C for aprox. 15min. Note: if you don't have potatoes you can use pasta or even rice- it's such a flexible recipe. Perfect healthy weekday dinner for whole family, yum! Have you heard of the healing praline? A delicious healing snack now available in the UK: #immunityboost #healingfoods #healthysnacking #healthylondon #healthychildren #healthyliving #treatyourhealth #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #nutritioncoach


BMI scale wasn't created to measure your health!


Parsley pesto- mum's remedy for colds & a versatile base for a delicious meal.