Sweet is good for a good night's sleep!

My grandmother would never eat after 6pm as she would say it is bad for your body- is that theory really true? Many people still believe it but various experts seem to be saying otherwise now. Whilst researching on this I found an interesting fact: our brains consume approx. 20% of the body's energy and when we sleep at night it consumes roughly as much energy as it does during the day! It does some very important work as the neurons are constantly communicating and in "update mode". That's why having something something sweet (and wholesome) such as honey before bed is a great way to fuel it for the night. Helping you to sleep better and actually feel good the next day. This explains why various medicinal traditions such as the Chinese or Ancient Mexican would recommend to consume honey with water before bed. Honey also keeps your liver full enough to maintain the right level of glycogen production for the night. Whatsmore,it contains a nutrient called tryptophan, a hormone that turns into brain chemicals like serotonin and melatonin that help you relax. Personally I sometimes enjoy some dark chocolate in the evening- I'm convinced it makes me feel good for bedtime-but probably few spoons of honey (preferably with warm not hot water) is your best choice.


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