Self-care is an essential part of wellbeing, not an “occasional treat”

Research shows that self-care helps to keep you healthy, helps you recharge and helps to improve your overall well-being (CMHC University of Texas)- this is so important to take seriously and apply to our lives NOW given the challenging time we live in. It's so common to leave selfcare activities for special occasions or for when you think you "deserve it". Why is this wrong? Simply because our health is a priority- without good health you cannot fulfill on your basic responsibilities -towards yourself and others.If you want to perform well at work your wellbeing will definitely have an impact on the quality of your work.
So what is self-care?Self-care refers to activities and practices that can help you to reduce your stress and enhance your overall well-being: essentially, proactively taking care of yourself. 
And how can you practice self-care?
There are lots of ways. What works for you may not work for someone else. The important thing is to make self-care a priority in your schedule. This could mean blocking off time to workout or spending some time unplugged from technology once in awhile. A few examples of self-care activities could be:
Napping during the day (power napps), practicing yoga, meditation, walks in nature, reading valuable books, journaling, doing a sport activity you enjoy, knitting or doing a hobby, taking a massage...
It really is important to find what works for you and making it part of your daily routine.
What is your favourite self-care activity? How could you do more of it during the week?


Tiny steps lead to big & SUSTAINABLE change


Cooking with honey