Learn to be Flexible in life from...the Bee!

It is often said that great achievers, entrepreneurs and famous leaders show great cognitive flexibility- which is 'the ability to adapt the cognitive processing strategies to face new and unexpected conditions in the environment' according to Cañas (et al. 2003). So its basically the art of being able to find solutions to sudden changes in life.
Studies have shown that some animals such as the bee are far more skilled at it then humans are. They seem to be able to adapt to the changing environment and make the best decision in a given moment or change their mind accordingly in order to fulfill on the goal which is selecting the most valuable source of nectar for their hive. No wonder the beehive is such an incredibly efficient honey "factory". Yet again theres so much we can learn from these little insects!
Becoming a mother -for me- was probably the most radical and effective way of learning how to be flexible and adaptable in life. If you want to deliver as a parent and at the same time achieve other goals such as running a business, doing a degree or continuing a hobby- finding creative ways of using your time efficiently and not being stopped by the new circumstances becomes an essential skill. I also realised that my children can be a part of what I do and it doesnt necessarily mean I have to choose one or the other. It's about making things work and often thinking outside of the box. Taking my 2 week year old child with me to a product photoshoot recently has been a little challenging but also a wonderful experience as he could nap amongst the beehives in the wild.
What are other ways in which you can apply flexibility in your life? Would love to know from you.



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BLB recipe: peanut butter banoffee praline oats